The Pinskers' Odyssey

Meet Stoney and Theo. Stoney is the 2008 Ford F-250 pickup. His color is Dark Stone, thus the name. Theo is the trailer, a 32 foot Cardinal 5th wheel. Penny knows the former Newark, NJ Cardinal who is now in Washington DC, and his name is Theodore. Thus, our Cardinal is named Theo.
They were purchased in January of 2008, and we've taken 2 orientation trips. Last June we visited friends in North Carolina, and in September we camped in Sodus Point, NY, which is on Lake Ontario.
We'll both be retiring in April of this year, and our trip will begin in May. We're in the very early planning stages, but we will most likely make Glacier National Park in Montana our first major destination, with several stops between our east coast home and Montana. After that, we've talked about Yosemite and the Sierra Nevadas, Grand Teton National Park, and Redwoods National Park. We'll be figuring that out as we travel. We're planning to spend 3-4 months on the road for this first trip, then possibly make a southern tour during the Winter months.
The plan is to use this blog to keep friends and family informed about our travels. How often we post will depend on web availability and inclination to post. I expect the next post to be the first one from the road.
Labels: Getting Ready