Kodachrome, they give us those nice bright colors
Gives those greens of summers
They make you think that all the world's a sunny day
Well I've got a, a Nikon camera
I love to take photographs
So Mama don't take my Kodachrome away.
Sorry Paul Simon, but they did take your Kodachrome away. At least the film version. But there’s another Kodachrome. This one is a Utah state park. Well I’ve got a Nikon camera, and I love to take photographs, so I did.
Kodachrome Basin State Park is another one of those spectacular places in a state that has more beautiful landscapes than the Metropolitan Museum of Art. And by the way, when we were there, the sky was really this blue.
In 1949 a National Geographic team “discovered” the basin and named it for it’s spectacular colors. I’m sure the basin was discovered long before that, but I guess discoveries didn’t count back then unless they were made by white men.
The park has lots of neat geology, including this keyhole shaped arch that’s difficult to see because of the matching stone behind it.
Geologists think the landscape was once similar to Yellowstone National Park with hot springs and geysers, which eventually filled in with sediment and solidified. Over millions of years sandstone surrounding the solidified geysers eroded, leaving 67 large sand pipes.
While walking a trail we came across this guy who tried to sell me car insurance. I told him that we’re quite happy with Allstate.
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