The Actual Falls in Soux Falls

The falls are in a park (Falls Park...not very original) near downtown. The rock in the area is pink quartzite, so there's a lot of pink in the road pavement and buildings

It rained pretty steadily while we were there, so sightseeing was limited. The falls were originally used as a hydroelectric plant and the plant itself is now a cafe, so we had lunch there. It was an electrifying experience.
By the way, I still haven't figured out how to position the photos in the blog. You may have noticed.
If you've been wondering about the gap in the delivery of these posts, the campground in the Black Hills had a Wi-Fi problem. It didn't work.
Oy, I was getting worried. Sounds like you guys are having a good time. I am happy for you both. Can't wait till we get together again, here, for dinner. Love you,
Tony and Barbara
Hi. I have to comment from time to time so you know there are people reading your blogs. I enjoy them. The pictures are great!!!
I've done some research and it seems that both "buffalo" and "buffaloes" are correct. However, it's more common to use "buffalo" (it's like shrimp or deer) as the plural for the noun. The plural verb is buffaloes. Yes, I need to get a job!!! :)
Don't forget to write when you see the deer and the antelope play!
Have fun!
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